Electoral Reform Society Our response to the Conservative and Labour Manifestos
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Electoral Reform Society

Dear Friend,

This week we had some deeply concerning news about the state of our democracy. A study from the National Centre for Social Research concluded that: ‘It appears that people’s trust in governments and politicians, and confidence in their systems of government is as low now as it has ever been over the last fifty years, if not lower.’

We’re reviewing all the offers from the major parties with this in mind. Here are our responses to today's Labour manifesto launch and the Conservative manifesto released earlier in the week.

Once the final manifestos are released next week we'll go over the smaller parties.

All the best,
The Electoral Reform Society team

Rishi Sunak

Conservative manifesto: Missing pledges to improve our democracy

The launch of the Conservative manifesto yesterday was conspicuously light on democratic policy with little mention by way of reforms desperately needed to strengthen our democracy.  

Read the article →

Keir Starmer

Labour manifesto: Encouraging first steps – but we need to address rock bottom trust in politics

Labour’s manifesto, released today, is an encouraging first step. But considering the mountain the next government will need to climb to rebuild trust, is it enough?

Read the article →

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